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نوع اثر کتاب

موضوع فقه

ناشر مؤسسة الرّسالة

نویسندهعبدالکریم زیدان

سال نشر 1993

المفصّلُ فی أحکامِ المَرأهِ والبَیتِ المُسلمِ فی الشّریعهِ الإسلامیّه

Al-Mofassal fi Ahkam Almaraat ul-Beit al-Moslem fi al-Shariat al-Islamieh

معرفی کامل

The author of the book has compiled nearly all the decrees and issues with respect to females and family frim the view point of sacred religion of Islam. He has thoroughliy scrutinized the issues which are well-documented and has a marvelous and fluent style of writing. The book, in its own right, is a very and tents of all the religions should be harmoniously delineated in the jurisprudence of religions, the book mainly tackles the ideas and notions of the four Sunni schools.

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